Archive 20211107

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[Panel 1]
Oh good, I caught you.
Are you shopping today?

Yes, just as soon as
I get my mask on.

Could you get some…

and goggles and gloves
and coveralls and
disinfectant spray and…

[Panel 2]
Doesn't that seem a bit much?

As a great man
once said, it's not
a matter of whether
you're paranoid…

…it's a matter of whether you're
paranoid ENOUGH. Sure.

[Panel 3]
But it's also an important
social signal to make
people keep their distance.

"I still take the
plague seriously"?

"I have a disinfectant spray
and you don't have goggles."

[Panel 4]
Isn't that threatening behaviour?

Oh no! Merest self-defence.

If I wanted to threaten them
I'd bring the trebuchet.

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