Archive 20211114

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[Panel 1]
Doom doom doom, doomy doom doom…

You seem remarkably cheerful,
all things considered.

Haven't I been saying for years
that everything is rotten? Now
everybody agrees with me.

[Panel 2]
Ah, premature anti-capitalism…

Yeah right, you just
took longer to notice.

I was busy programming.

[Panel 3]
For years?

…yeah, pretty much. There
may have been some
beer involved too.

What is it about programmers
getting into weird politics anyway?

[Panel 4]
We're used to being the smartest
people in the room and having to
defend our brilliant ideas against
people who don't understand them.

So when someone gives
you an idea about, oh,
eating the poor…?

No, no, the poor are
fatty and tasteless.

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