Archive 20211212

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[Panel 1]
Gosh. What a complete surprise.
I should certainly never have
expected that to happen.

Politician lies?
Microsoft doesn't work?

Work's cancelled
the Christmas Ball.

They got the wind up?

[Panel 2]
blah, blah, uncertainty, blah,
official advice is ambiguous,
blah, cautious approach.

I.e. they got
the wind up.

Ah, so we can't get sued for
forcing you to come into the
office, but we don't actively
want you to die so we won't
do this other thing too.

[Panel 3]
Also of the ten people in my
mob five wrote to complain,
four more said they wouldn't go,
and only one said he would.


He's just had a bad breakup and
I think he wanted to drown his
sorrows, throw up on the
Vice-Chancellor, you know,
traditional Christmas stuff.

[Panel 4]
But that's what kak pubs are for!

Except the Vice-
Chancellor bit,
that's probably
kak wine bars.

And it wouldn't work as well if
the VC hadn't paid for the wine.

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