Archive 20211226

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[Panel 1]


I just noticed that
it's Boxing Day. When
did that happen?

Twenty-five days after the first
of December, same as usual.

[Panel 2]
No, I mean, no work Christmas
parties, and it doesn't seem like
a good time to visit the parents
and take my town germs to them, so
here I am staying in London again…

Try running a pub. You
will have No Doubt about
the calendar then.

When do you get some time off anyway?

[Panel 3]
This IS time off. I've left
Citz with STRICT instructions
not to burn the place
down until Wednesday.

What happens on Wednesday?

I'm back on site and
everything's my fault.
I mean, I wouldn't
want to miss it.

[Panel 4]
Talking of missing things,
I didn't see Nils for
his traditional free
pint on Christmas day.

Christmas dinner
may have got a
little out of hand.

And you didn't invite me?

You were working. Your share is
taking up most of the fridge.

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