Archive 20220911

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[Panel 1]
Nils has finally stopped going
on about his trip to Scotland.

I'm sensing a
reservation here.

Now he's talking about the
trip to Essen next month.

[Panel 2]
You're going on that one,
right? So that's good?

Yes, but we did all the
admin in five minutes,
and now he's just
wondering about what
he's going to play.

Eh. How many games can
there be? He's probably got
most of them already.

[Panel 3]
Oh, you sweet summer child.
Well, winter child obviously.

THANK you.

I think I've talked him out
of spending four hundred euros
on expansions for 3D Catan.

[Panel 4]
It helps that we don't know
anyone who HAS 3D Catan.


Ah, it's just that he has
Essen withdrawal. Poor chap,
he can't help it. Men, eh?

I'M just going to settle in for a
nice five-hour game of Successors…

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