Archive 20220904

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[Panel 1]
Woo. Board. Games…

Are you feeling all right?

Well, the convention was great!

[Panel 2]
I got to play A Touch of Evil
and Rallyman GT and Firefly…

All the big long
multiplayer games
that only just fit
in the house?


But then nine hours driving
home and turning in the
car and falling over.

[Panel 3]
Trains no good?

The convention was in
a big well-ventilated
sports hall. Trains…
are not like that.

Also it would have cost even more.

[Panel 4]
So you won't be doing it again?

I didn't say that! I mean
it's only 60k more than
the road to Essen.

But it would have been nice
if Jaakko had been there
to take his driving shift.

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