Archive 20240428

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[Panel 1]

What's up?

No games shows
for AGES.

I mean Stockport's not
till the end of June.

Isn't there the Expo before that?

[Panel 2]
Yeah, but that's not really
a gaming show is it?

It's the largest one
in the country.

For buying. The space for PLAYING
games is a tiny little offshoot
in a different building.

[Panel 3]
AND all the hotels on site cost a
bomb so I drive to the next town
each night, which means No Beer.

Aw poor Nils. Why
do you go then?

'Cos I know a lot of
people who'll be there and
I don't see anywhere else.

[Panel 4]
Well, until then you'll just have
to play games with Boring Old Us.

Thinking of which, it's
your turn. Got a non-
losing move yet?

I'm still, er… thinking…

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