Archive 20240901

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[Panel 1]
Phew! About time to have
a break and cool off.

Fire must be
hot for to rosten
the swine.

Er, all right, but maybe
in modern English?

[Panel 2]
Oh. Sorry. I fall back
on my mother tongue.

Anyway, lots of people full of pig
in a bun. Mission accomplished.
except for the washing-up.

[Panel 3]
And the happy couple seen off
to wherever they're going.

Oh, is this
a wedding? I
hadn't noticed.

They came past and thanked
us, but I think you were
carving at the time.

[Panel 4]
Probably. So much carving.
Everything starts to look
like part of a pig.

No carving the guests.
I put it in your contract.

You're no fun any more. But
maybe with some garlic salt…

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