Archive 20240922

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[Panel 1]
Seen Nils lately? I've got some
mild that should be ready tomorrow.

He's playing Shapez.


[Panel 2]
Factory game, you set up
cutters and presses and
conveyor belts and things to
construct various objects.

AND it runs on Linux.

Lud. They pretty much saw Nils
coming and designed a game to
appeal to him, didn't they?

[Panel 3]
So in another… thirteen minutes
I'll go and remind him he needs to
eat and drink and things like that.

Oh. One of
those, is it?

I'll stack some laundry outside his
door to remind him it's his turn.

[Panel 4]
I hope you've got
some spare clothes.

Of course I have.

Because last I heard he was trying
to build a four-layer diamond
all in different colours…

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