Archive 20060615

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[Panel 1]
Hi Nils. Had a good day at the office?

Isn't that a bit of a cliche?

Only if I offer you
a pipe and a pair
of carpet-slippers.

What's a carpet-slipper?

It's a thing for
moving small carpets.

[Panel 2]

I should have known.

In answer to your
question, no, not
very. Everyone was
trying to think
of excuses to
get off early.

Oh, shame.

The best bit was coming home.

[Panel 3]
Isn't it always? Me too, though.

There must be something
going on. The tube was
almost empty. Has there
been a riot in Central
London or something?

No, a football match
in Germany -- remember?

Oh, was that today?
I'd forgotten. So
has somebody won yet?

[Panel 4]
I think England did.

There'll be a riot going
on in Edinburgh, then...


They were all backing
"anyone but England"
up there, last I heard.

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