Archive 20060618

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[Panel 1]
Elizabeth. Good, you're
back. I wanted a word.

I know you don't need sleep

but I do.

Oh no, I didn't wake
you up when I got in
last night, did I?

I was really
trying to be quiet.

[Panel 2]
Not when you got in
this morning, no.

It was after you'd
gone out again.

I woke you up when
I wasn't even here?

How on earth....

Hang on, I didn't have
an accident with my
mobile and ring you up
from the bottom of my
handbag again, did I?

Not that I noticed.

[Panel 3]
Anyhow, the time you
did that you were
the one who suffered.

I just turned my phone off
and went back to sleep after
the first thirty or forty times
the train you were on went
"sausage and egg,
sausage and egg,

and it was you who
had to pay the bill.

Yes, well, that's why I'm doing all
this overtime at the moment and
getting home in the early hours.

[Panel 4]
So how did I wake you this time?

It was your alarm clock.

It went off.

Then it went on.

That's why you'll find it
in that pint of water you
keep beside your bed.

I just thought I'd tell
you I did it, before you
started to blame Camille.

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