Archive 20061231

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[Panel 1]
My brain hurts.

What did Steve PUT
in that punch?

If the way my eyeballs feel
is anything to go by...

On second thoughts don't tell me.
I don't really want to know.

It just seemed like a good idea at the time,
having a party the day before everyone else.

[Panel 2]
Well, at least I know what my New
Year Resolution is going to be.

You mean apart from
not to strangle any
punters THIS year?


Yeah, that. And never to drink
any punch made by Steve.

And you?

[Panel 3]
I'm only going to read one
book at a time. Per room.

Does that include
one in each loo?

Obviously. And the landing,
the hall, the stairs...

Oh yeah, and never to drink
any punch made by Steve.

[Panel 4]
Making any resolutions, Nils?

Never to drink any
punch made by Steve.

Stands to reason.

Anything else?

Not to bring any more dangerous
animals into the flat.

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