Archive 20070422

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[Panel 1]
...but when we went and looked,
there weren't any mice.

I wish you wouldn't
talk about those ...
those THINGS!

There were two eggs on
the landing, though.

And they certainly hadn't been
there when I went downstairs.

So you think you DO
have... what you said?

[Panel 2]
That's just so gross!

We never see

But you know they're there.

I'd have to move out.

Seems more to the point to get
THEM to pack their bags, really.

Anyhow, Nils is the only
one who's ever seen them.

[Panel 3]
If it wasn't just that he was concussed.

And he says they're
rainbow-coloured, which
sounds sort of cute.

How CAN you? Those things
aren't cute, they're ...
they're .... eeeaow!

I did find some rainbow-coloured
droppings this afternoon, though.

[Panel 4]

I've got them here in a
matchbox to prove it.


Ah. Fragments of
multicoloured tinfoil.

So that's who's been eating the
eggs we couldn't find.

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