Archive 20070311

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[Panel 1]
And now Nils has gone and won
a pomegranate. It sits on the
table and sneers at us.

Camille hasn't driven it away?

No, 'cos he's too busy
worrying abut Beatrice.

For people who claim to have
no pets, you do fill your
house with little denizens...

[Panel 2]
None of them's cute and furry though.

All of them seem to be nuisances.

Anyhow wasn't the cat furry?
And what about the mouse?

Nobody's ever seen the mouse...

[Panel 3]
Hey, maybe the mouse will
eat the pomegranate!

It probably won't touch
it till it's ripe.

Then we'll have to get
the wretched thing to
ripen before it rots.

You want to put it in a brown
paper bag with a banana.

[Panel 4]
We do? Where do we find a
brown paper bag these days?

I dunno, but that's how my
mum used to ripen fruit.

Or maybe that was for asthma...

That's really all we need.

A ripe asthmatic pomegranate.

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