Archive 20230319

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[Panel 1]
…and that's why you
should have been there.

Four days off?
In a row?

I'd be lucky to have
a pub when I got back.

[Panel 2]
Er, Bell, should the
breaker box be on fire?

No. Citz, get the
black extinguisher.

Rightoh boss.

Where was I?


[Panel 3]
Oh yes, if I COULD take four days
off, I wouldn't use them to play
board games half the country away.

Well, you could have been
going out to excellent
restaurants. Mmm, kedgeree.

I can make my own!

[Panel 4]
Good. Stick it on the menu, please.

I just worry a bit.
When did you last
take a day off?


That was in 2021.

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