Archive 20070819

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[Panel 1]
Nils, there are no eggs.

Elizabeth's away
for three weeks.


So she keeps the fridge
stocked with the basics and
we pay her back, remember?

[Panel 2]
When does she get back, again?


Aaaargh! I can't wait till
September to have breakfast!

Why do you have to?

I need scrambled eggs.

[Panel 3]
Can't you have something else?

...need scrambled eggs...

OK, so what IS there
to have for breakfast?

Cold pizza?

There's a fried egg on one of
the slices. I was saving it.

[Panel 4]
Gaaah. It's the same every time
Elizabeth goes away. No food.

Where are you off to?

Out to work. There are
peanuts on the bar.

You can't have nothing
but peanuts for breakfast!

There are some frankfurters in
the freezer, and they only
have very small whiskers...

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