[Panel 1]
Elizabeth, would
you like some tea...
What's that you're reading?
... a book ...
Yes, I can see that it's not the
Shrewsbury Chicken Fanciers'
Gazette and Fowling Herald.
It just looks rather familiar.
And I'm not sure I believe what I'm seeing.
[Panel 2]
What are you doing reading "Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows"?
erm... reading it...
I thought you said the
whole series was mind-
pap for semi-literates?
I did.
And I thought you'd
never read any of them?
I hadn't. Now I have, OK?
[Panel 3]
What, ALL of them?
Yes. It's research.
That sounds to me like
a goat-pron excuse.
That's not the same at all!
Oh, ah?
[Panel 4]
I wasn't going to read them
until I had the whole series.
And now you can't stop.
Not at all. I'm just
trying to find out...
...what the source-
material was?
No, who survives.
Shut up. I'm READING.
I'll just get some tea and put it
down very quietly next to you...
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