Archive 20080525

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[Panel 1]
I never did quite understand...

What? Life?
The Universe?

Well, them too, but about you.

Oh, me neither! If you
find out, do let me know.

[Panel 2]
I mean, you're a first-rate cook...


... but you don't do cooking.


Why won't you use
stuff you're good at?

You work as a BARMAID, Bell!

I'm a bloody good barmaid!

[Panel 3]
Yes, but even so...

Did I ever tell you
about my mother?

I don't think so, no.

Guess what caught her a man?

And landed her with three kids?


She could cook. So I don't.

[Panel 4]
I see that, I suppose. But
Bell... You have a degree!

I did that to get
away. For what
it's worth, anyhow.

You know Mandi?


She has a degree.

In Food Tourism.

She can't even SPELL it.

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