[Panel 1]
Do stop complaining!
It was your idea.
I am pretty nearly sure
don't do cooking in a WIG...
After all the trouble I went to
getting the henna right, you can
wear it and be grateful if you
want to pretend to be me.
I suppose. Anyhow that wasn't
what I was talking about.
[Panel 2]
So what is it this time?
"Whan the gees buth
rosted ynouh", it says.
How am I supposed to
know how much they
want it roasted for?
How long would you take if you
were doing it for yourself?
About three and a half hours
or until it's done, of course.
[Panel 3]
There's your answer.
Tell me again, why am I cooking
out of your mouldy old book?
Because it has been on the telly.
Because that is a selling point.
Because I would. Because nobody is
making you except you.
[Panel 4]
Hi, Elizabeth. Cooking
something fun?
You've borrowed one of
Bell's t-shirts again.
She hasn't,
you know.
Jislaaik, there's two of them!
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