Archive 20111030

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[Panel 1]
Elizabeth, are you EEP?

I don't think so.

Stay there. I just
need to get my panga.

I feel I should point out
that I'm not actually undead.

[Panel 2]
Are you sure?

Pulse: check.

for brains:

No, I seem to
be all right.

So why the, um...?

[Panel 3]
"Halloween Zombie Party"
at the university.

Oh dear. One of them.

They aren't ALL as bad
as your work's parties.

Usually the bosses head off
to a restaurant while we
finish draining the bar.

[Panel 4]
Still, if you have any indoor
pyrotechnics handy...

Hah. Jaakko's idea of an
indoor firework is taking the
lift charge out of a mortar.

I can dig out the latex foam
chainsaw if that would help.

WHY do you...?


All is clear. D'you mind if it
gets a bit of stage blood on it?

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