Elizabeth |
Ginny |
Jaakko |
Nils |
[Panel 1]
You know, there is something
glorious though futile
about The Workers.
Honest toil?
Sons of soil?
They've just declared
another day of action.
[Panel 2]
They mean INaction,
obviously. Why this time?
According to the
email that went
round today,
management has
now given in to
every single one
of their
That would be why, then. They are
clearly demanding firm leadership.
[Panel 3]
Maybe. It's going to be a damn nuisance
getting in to work past the pickets.
Oh well, Halloween's
coming up; there are
plenty of disguises
around to choose from.
I am seriously thinking
of a MacBethly Witch.
[Panel 4]
It could be worse.
Oh, thanks, Nils! Avert!
You might meet that Royalty
they were threatening you
with the other week.
Argh! I'd be in prison
for ever for carrying
daggers in her presence.
I'm sure she'd understand.
She's really very nice...
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