Archive 20111113

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[Panel 1]
Right, so Prince of Wales
has sunk your destroyer group...

It's a man's life in
the little ship navy.

Well, at least the next turn
will be a bit faster now
that you don't have to work
out where they're all going.

[Panel 2]
Particularly since my torpedo
bombers are attacking next.

Jislaaik! I mean,
"Tut tut, time
for some tea".

Still all at sea?

Ow. Yes, though I don't suppose
it'll take much longer.

[Panel 3]
Which reminds me, can you
spare some cotton wool? We
need more smoke markers.

What, my good
cotton wool?

You have multiple
grades of
cotton wool?

You mean you DON'T?

[Panel 4]
I don't know, why don't you all just
take some boats out on the Thames
and throw rocks at each other?

Bags the trebuchet!

Sorry! I've made a Scrounging
check, so I got to it first.

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