Archive 20120212

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# in the kitchen
[Panel 1]
All right, where
did this come from?

What? Oh, the jigsaw?



Well, we finished the last
one. And I was bored.

[Panel 2]
Thought you weren't into
solving other people's problems.

Needed a break.

Anyway, this one
is MY problem.

And I've got an algorithm now.

Don't tell me, you're going to
build a robot to do it for you.

[Panel 3]
Ooh, that's a good idea.

O god.

But I'll need to gather more data
on solution techniques first.

Refine the algorithm a bit...

If you mean you want another joint
session, why don't you just say so?

[Panel 4]
Because then I'd have
to admit I enjoyed it.

Oh. OK.

I suppose you want
me to do the sky?

If there were any I would,
but you can see as well as
I can that there isn't.

It was worth a try for
some brownie points.

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