[Panel 1]
Right. I am now On Strike.
Shorter hours?
More pay?
A better oven.
[Panel 2]
I don't care how molecularly
gastronomical it is, taking
twenty-four hours to cook
a joint of meat is Too Long.
There are some good
recipes that go like that.
Look. Let's say you fancy a pie...
Ooh. Yes please! When's
it going to be ready?
[Panel 3]
But actually I've
got someone coming
round tomorrow to
do some upgrades.
Friend of Jaakko's.
[Panel 4]
Does he know what he's doing?
He fixed Jaakko's
oven, and now it does
everything from dried
meat to high-speed pizza.
Is this wise?
Is it safe?
If this turns out to have
been a Sensible Decision, I
will be VERY disappointed.
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