[Panel 1]
You know, Jaakko, the girls
are getting restive.
If you call them "the girls"
I'm not surprised! In fact
I am slightly surprised
you're still alive.
Not to their faces -- I'm
not a suicidal idiot.
I have to refer to them as
SOMETHING collective, though.
[Panel 2]
It's the freezer. Bell was
a bit fed up yesterday.
You have a truly
filthy freezer?
Somehow I am
No, it was that she came back
from that cooking do of yours
with lots of leftovers
and she couldn't get them
into the freezer for sausages.
so she ate them all
and then felt ill.
[Panel 3]
It is the cat of my uncle.
What, they're CAT sausages? Well,
I suppose that's DIFFERENT...
It must have been huge.
No, no, it is confused and it
brings home dead mooses
(hirvit) instead of dead
mouses (hiirit), so he has
too many and gives them to me.
How does it get them
through the cat-flap?
[Panel 4]
What? Oh, you mean the pig-flap? It
isn't allowed. It is a barn cat.
ANYWAY, bring them
over at the weekend.
I have a frying-pan.
So we don't eat
until the weekend?
There are seven drawers full.
This is a problem?
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