[Panel 1]
Doing anything for Christmas?
The usual family
round, I suppose.
Not off with Robin, then?
He has to do family stuff too. But
we're hoping to get together later.
[Panel 2]
Ah, good, you're here.
Do you have any
spare bottle caps?
Sure. Come back
at closing time
with a magnet.
Why do you need them, anyway?
[Panel 3]
Oh... no reason...
Not planning to
build a decorative
landmine for the
next lot of God-
botherers, then?
I'm sure I have no...
...how did you KNOW?
[Panel 4]
I've been living here too long.
You're getting predictable.
Be fair. At least
it's never boring.
Unlike the God-botherers.
That reminds me, I must
try to convert the next
lot to the Cthulhu-cult.
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