[Panel 1]
Seems a Scottish village
has asked to be twinned
with a valley on Mars.
You're having a
busy day, then?
Makes sense. At one end
there's no atmosphere,
nothing to eat or drink...
[Panel 2]
Yes, and at the other end is
another planet.
MEANWHILE, how about these
random rollbacks the database
guys have been complaining about?
Just fixed them. Hang on
a minute, it's November.
[Panel 3]
Shouldn't we be booking
the Christmas party?
No, because of the
end of the world.
All the more reason,
I'd have thought.
FAR too late to get a place now.
[Panel 4]
Also already done, last month.
Jislaaik! You're being
all Efficient again.
No, it's just that all your spare
energy has been going into
preparing for the robot uprising.
That reminds me, I
must oil the bicycles.
[size 20]
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