Archive 20130526

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[Panel 1]
Isn't he DONE yet?

He hasn't been at it for long.

It's the WAITING.

[Panel 2]
Have another pint. And while
you're at it I'd like one.

Oh, all right.

At least it didn't
damage your clothes.

Only because I woke up in the night
when it started to go Drip at me.

[Panel 3]
I've never woken up for a drip
before. Is this what owning a house
does to you? I don't LIKE it.

And I remember roof mending
from when I was a kid.

It's going to take AGES
and cost the Earth...

[Panel 4]
Yup, broken tile, like I thought.

Dropped in
a new one,
all fixed.

What do we owe you?


Any chance of a pint?

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