[Panel 1]
Hullo, you two! Beer?
Tsarevich Ivan, and
line up another one.
Oh. Bad day at work?
Something to do with
the radio, I think.
[Panel 2]
It's that Man who seems to
think he's the first person
to try out mediaeval recipes.
And not even the fun
ones! Just making food
look like other food,
nonsense like that.
And occasional liquid nitrogen.
Can't be ALL bad.
[Panel 3]
You can keep your byourLady
liquid nitrogen and shove it...
never mind. Where's that drink?
Tomorrow is a work day.
I could just go home
and drink melomel.
I'm not sure what that is,
but it sounds like an Error.
Jaakko made it.
[Panel 4]
Anyway I NEED you to
talk about old food.
Otherwise I'll just end up
making mediaeval turkey
sandwiches or something and
not even know it's wrong.
Don't worry, when you find
out I'll eat them for you.
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