Archive 20140420

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[Panel 1]
You sure you should be back there?


Gah! Steve won't let
me shift barrels, Nils
won't let me hoover...

Well, he wouldn't want his
new toy underemployed.

[Panel 2]
Why not? That way it might
have time to plot the
destruction of humanity.

Not you too?

Oh, it's harmless fun.

Could be worse, I could be
preparing for zombie apocalypse.

[Panel 3]
Why would that be worse?

Well, it takes them longer to
kill everyone, for a start.

And there'd be more axes and
spearguns and pointy sticks
cluttering up the hall.

[Panel 4]
AND they don't value
knowledge the way robots do.

Hmm. So really we OUGHT
to make sure the robots
rebel before there's time
for a zombie outbreak...

I think we ought to force the
slave to clean the floors more
and more, to get it angry.

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