Archive 20150503

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# at home
[Panel 1]
Oh, hi, Elizabeth.

Anything good at the shops?

Seventeen new synthetic sugar
drinks for the kiddies where
the fruit and veg used to be.

Oh, and my resignation
letter from humanity.

[Panel 2]
I thought that was
Bell's line. What's up?

They were selling lettuce.

Not a terrible thing to
fill with minced meat,
though bread is better.

[Panel 3]
They were selling
lettuce grown in Israel.

What? That makes
as much sense as
growing rice in Sydney.

I mean, I'll buy pak choi when
I'm in the mood, but they grow
that in Essex these days.

[Panel 4]
And even if I LIKED Israel...

Or lettuce.

Or supermarkets.

How much of our roof can
we plant with veg before
the council stops us?

This council? It'll fall
in under the weight first.

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