Archive 20150607

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[Panel 1]
I SEE! It all makes sense now!

Are you feeling all
right, Nils? Not had a
Tentacular Revelation?

He's been like this ever
since he saw that Spanish
frigate in the Thames.

[Panel 2]
What? The Armada's arrived at last?

Technically, yes, but it was
just some modern thing.

It's just like Meccano!

[Panel 3]
Do they even still make Meccano?

Yeah, but the
new stuff's
mostly plastic.

You just take the standard
bits, like a radar or a missile
launcher, and bolt them together
the way you want them!

[Panel 4]
I do hope you're not
planning to branch out into
killer robot warships.

How much does a
warehouse on the river
cost these days?

More than you will
make in your lifetime.

I could sell my share
of the house...

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