[Panel 1]
Are you sure he's really
doing it this time?
I'm telling
you, he's gone
and bloody
DONE it!
Who's bloody done what?
I saw the paperwork.
The pub is up for sale.
[Panel 2]
So it's going to turn into
more nasty flats or offices
or something, is it?
Most likely. And I'll be out
on my ear, along with Mandi.
[Panel 3]
Unless someone bought it
as a going concern.
Yeah right, Plastic Pubs Inc?
They'd knock out the cellar and
turn it into a wine lounge.
Well, I can't afford it,
even if we sold this place.
[Panel 4]
Not much point keeping this
place if the pub's gone. I
could put my share behind it.
I'm not sure if that's very
sensible or completely barking.
I'm going to go and phone some
people while I think about it.
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