Alan |
Bell |
Caz |
Elizabeth |
Ginny |
Jaakko |
[Panel 1]
I've got a bit of a nest-egg...
Been thinking about diversifying....
Two shares for the Collective...
I suppose I could sell a bicycle...
[Panel 2]
Good. So now we just need to get...
The bank won't
give me a loan.
Very sensible. We
don't need them.
[Panel 3]
The Bloody Good Pubs Trust
will buy the place. Alan's
drawing up the paperwork.
That could work.
We'll employ you as landlady and
manager, or you can buy in and
employ yourself. And you can keep
on Mandi, and you'll probably want
to hire someone else.
[Panel 4]
Um. Eep?
Think about it.
Caz did the
numbers and she
reckons it'll work.
I'll stop looking
for other sources
of cash, anyway.
Oi, Nils! Lose the stocking mask!
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