Archive 20160724

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[Panel 1]

Don't talk,
you're only
making it

I had to turn off the 3D
printer because it was
making my room too hot.

[Panel 2]
Poor baby.

It gets all unhappy
when it isn't
making stuff.

I get all unhappy when
you two keep talking.

[Panel 3]
And Jaako was telling me
about his new bicycle...


What's up with you?

Must be the heat.

[Panel 4]
[style 8way]
[textcolour orange]
[size 16]

Ah good, they said there
might be a thunderstorm later.

Phew. That's summer over
with for another year.

Excuse me, I'm just going to
change into my swimming costume
and stand in the yard for a bit.

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