Archive 20170827

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[Panel 1]
It didn't work. I
couldn't put them off.

Even after the books
ate one of the
production crew.

Well, he was
only an intern.

Are they making another
film in the library?

[Panel 2]
Worse. A TV series.

How's that worse?

If they like it,
they might come back.

Was it at least something fun?

[Panel 3]
The usual. Retired spy, one
last job, treachery and betrayal.

What, no fireballs?

No ancient sexy vampires?

No magic gadgets
that save the day?

Well, that's SOMETHING I suppose.

[Panel 4]
They still get in the
way and annoy the books.

Perhaps you should
hide up in the stacks
and keep them calm?

Camping out with
thermos and
sandwiches. Hmm!

Just try to resist the urge
to play jokes on the cast...

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