Archive 20171231

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[Panel 1]
The place is filling up a bit.

I know. And no
free pints tonight,
just late opening.

I think everyone could do with an
evening off from the glums. If
they're not feeling betrayed by one
lot, it's the other.

[Panel 2]
Well, here's to a
better year to come.

It can hardly get much


Don't say it.

Why not?

Because you said it at the start of
THIS year, and look what happened.

[Panel 3]
Not feeling superstitious, are you?

At this point
I'll take any
help I can get.

Well, could I interest you
in His Tentacular Embrace?

[Panel 4]
I dealt with the Brownlow's rep
yesterday, that's enough tentacular
embraces to last me a while.

Wouldn't you rather
be able to reduce him
to a greasy smear?

Hang on, you
were calling on
Heimdall last week!

At this point I'll take
any help I can get.

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