Archive 20180415

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[Panel 1]

Oi, you're not allowed
to panic! That's MY
job. What's wrong?

Boiler's dead!
No hot water.

What, has it got
a blocked pipe
or something?

[Panel 2]
I don't know. It just blinks red
three and a half times, which
according to the manual means
"behold, a white horse, and he that
sat on him was a service engineer".

Who chose this boiler
anyway... oh, Steve,
of course. He WOULD.

Apparently there's a service
contract, but all I get on
the phone is Gregorian chant.

[Panel 3]
And Steve took his
boiler-fixing tool
to Cyprus with him.
Well, he posted it.
They wouldn't let him
have it on the plane.

I don't see why you really
NEED hot water anyway.

I don't see why you really
NEED a clean glass.

[Panel 4]
You're right, it's panic
time. I'll get Jaakko.

No! I want it
FIXED, not blown
into tiny bits!

I could get him to tie
one hand behind his back?

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