Archive 20180826

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[Panel 1]
Crane move, I take your
Master, and that's game.

Best of, erm,

No, you're actually playing worse
now than when we started.

[Panel 2]
I blame the sweaty weather.

But I don't get
too hot. I'm just,
er, hung over.

From three nights ago?

Clearly food poisoning
from the beer.

[Panel 3]
And you'd be happy to say that
again where Bell can hear it?

Well, no, I'm not STUPID.

Try having a cool
shower and see if
you feel any better.

[Panel 4]
[style rect]
One cool shower later

Dragon, and my Master is
in your home square.


Set 'em up again, I'm just
going to get a wet towel
to wrap round my head.

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