[Panel 1]
All ready for Essen?
Got the hotel, got the
cash, got the ferry
tickets, got the...
Antje at the Universität
is expecting me.
[Panel 2]
Are you making fun of me?
Perish the thought. You've
done all the work so that
I can have an easy trip.
Jaakko is bringing the truck
over for five o'clock.
Right-oh. My case is ready to go.
[Panel 3]
So all that's left is to
get a good night's sleep,
before we have a twelve hour
drive, four solid days of
gaming and beer, and another
twelve hour drive home.
Er... yes, a good
night's sleep.
Quick game of
Onitama first?
All right, just the one.
[Panel 4]
[style rect]
Some hours later...
Fifteen games to sixteen.
I suppose you've won, then.
Hah! Now for a
quick nap before
[style 8way]
Don't worry. After the
first two days without sleep,
it gets much easier...
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