Archive 20190303

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[Panel 1]
Bell, did you take my special
cheddar out of the fridge?

Wouldn't touch any cheese with
your tag on it. Except to parry
it when it tried to attack me.

Oh. Because it's gone, and
I wanted to finish it.

[Panel 2]
I thought the last lot
made you 'orribly ill.

Oh, yes, I was up
half the night running
to the kakhuis.

So why...?

[Panel 3]
It tasted lekker, and I wanted
to see if it was the cheese or
something else I ate that day.

Sometimes I think
you're not normal.

Other times I know it.

[Panel 4]
Anyway, probably Jaakko took it.

Jislaaik! And he's
got to cycle home.

At the speeds he goes, he'll
be back before it hits.

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