Archive 20190310

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[Panel 1]
Ssh. Elizabeth's
still asleep.

I thought she had
to go to work.

There's a note on her
door saying "go away or
I'll put you in a book".

[Panel 2]
Good enough for me. I
might never get out again.

Anyway, I'm off to
work. Fire drill day,
so we have to show
up and be counted.

Fire drill...

With Jaakko in the building...

[Panel 3]
They frisk him for smoke bombs now.

I just hope Elizabeth
wakes up in time for
whatever she has to do.



[Panel 4]
I make that seventeen
hours since you
went to bed.

Bother, I was hoping
for a full 24.
I'm getting old.

Ah well, off for another week's
work. I've left my sheet in the
basket. You'll be doing a wash
in the next few days, right?

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