Archive 20190414

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[Panel 1]
Oh, right, you're back.

Busy weekend
blowing up tanks.

Well, the idea of
tanks, represented by
bits of cardboard.

[Panel 2]
And many of them were mine.

That's nice.
Something in
your cupboard
is going beep.

How often?

[Panel 3]
About once per two seconds.

Jislaaik, that'll
be the UPS battery.
It's a bit
old and tired.

I don't care
as long as it
doesn't wake me.

[Panel 4]
You'll feel different when
the robots tie you to a
treadmill to keep 'em charged.

I'd just like to point out
that you have given this
far more thought than any
reasonable person would.

Thanks! It's good to be prepared.

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