Archive 20210103

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[Panel 1]
You're still breathing.

Er. Sorry?

I'm sure he doesn't NEED to.

[Panel 2]
I've sort of got into the habit now.

Poor Nils. He went up to the top of
the hill to watch the end of the
world, but the stars weren't right
and he just had to come down again.

[Panel 3]
I thought I had everything primed,
but the robot revolution didn't
happen and now we aren't going
to be murdered in our beds.

And that's a
BAD thing?

We have go on living
in THIS instead.

[Panel 4]
And now what am I going to do with 500
litres of medium-weight machine oil?

Caz'll need it for her
bike. Trade it for courier
runs across the wasteland


to the Free Zone.


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