Archive 20210516

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[Panel 1]
Where's the potjie?

A what? Is that
some sort of nixie?

Cooking pot. Three legs.
Round bottom. Thick
walls. Goes on the fire.

[Panel 2]
Oh, you mean a chugunok?

Maybe? But I want to make a
potjiekos and to make a potjiekos
you use the potjie. I mean
that's just obvious, right?

So where is it?

[Panel 3]
We don't have one.


It's a sort of
overgrown wok.


So it doesn't fit on the hob.

[Panel 4]
It's not supposed to fit
on the hob. It's supposed
to fit on the fire!

And we don't have room for
something that only goes
on the fire, which we only
have a few times a year.

Then we ought to have
fires more often.

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