Archive 20211003

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[Panel 1]


Anybody might think
running a country was
difficult or something.

All going to hel in
a mandjie, really…

[Panel 2]
No proper rubbish collection so the
bins stink and we get rats again…

"Power company" middlemen who had
no reason to exist in the first
place screaming for a bail-out…

Inviting over a few thousand lorry
drivers when we need twenty times
that, AND telling them to naff
off on Christmas Eve so we don't
have any foreign-looking people
here to Spoil Christmas.

[Panel 3]
They'll probably spend Christmas
stuck in a queue for Dover again.

If they're daft enough to give
up their existing jobs for
lower pay and longer hours
and everybody hating them.

And poultry workers though. Can't
have Christmas without turkey.

[Panel 4]
Turkey and old boot soup, at this rate.

By candlelight? No,
we'll need the candles
to fight off the rats.

And they'll STILL wrap
themselves in a flag and
win the next election.

You are in error. Nobody
is screaming. Thank you
for your cooperation.

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