Archive 20220605

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[Panel 1]
So this morning I've played
Skora and Bretwalda and War
Galleys of Thargos and…

Did you win any of them?

Well, they were demos, so you
know, not really full games…

[Panel 2]
Thought not.

I'll get them
next time. What
about you?

Secret demo of the next
War Librarians expansion
because I gave the designer
most of the ideas.

[Panel 3]

Weird atmosphere
here, though.
Don't you feel
it's a bit, er…?

Desperate fun?

[Panel 4]
Well of course. Nobody's
actually BUYING anything. They
can't afford it. But you know,
it's been three years since
most of them were here.

They could still
put their masks on.

Or just wash their hands…

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