Archive 20230416

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[Panel 1]
I worry about Nils. Just a little.

NOW you start
worrying about Nils?

He was borrowing
my games for the

Doesn't he have enough
bits of game already?

[Panel 2]
Apparently this one needed cards
in five suits, numbered 0 to 7,
and matching coloured dice.

How many sides?

I'd just like to point out, on
the basis of that question, that
you can't plausibly claim to
be a Normal Person any more.

[Panel 3]
Harsh but fair.

Six, by the way.

Well, it keeps him off
the streets I suppose.

[Panel 4]
I think an inventive Nils
can get into a lot more
trouble at a game table than
on the streets of Limehouse.

Especially if
you're playing.

All I said was "shall we make
it a bit more interesting"…

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