Archive 20230423

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[Panel 1]

If you say so?

Tickets go on sale soon.

You need a ticket to
get into Scotland now?

[Panel 2]
No, it's the games thing.

Do they run out
of tickets?

Well, no.

So you have no particular reason
to be excited right now.

[Panel 3]
Yeah, but if I stop being
excited about boardgames and
programming and things I might
start reading the news again.

is bliss?

Ignorance is staving off the
despair for another week.

[Panel 4]
Well, it's certainly cheaper
than drinking heavily.

Fewer hangovers, too.

Except the great big
one when you come
back to reality.

No worries, I've signed
up as official boardgame
provider to Ginny's post-
apocalyptic wasteland gang.

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