[Panel 1]
Nils, are you all right?
But I'm sending you a click
in page context. Why can't you
run your own helper function?
Oh, OK then.
[Panel 2]
Swapping… swapping… hello Elizabeth.
The full Nils is not available
right now. This is a compressed
personality core to keep vital
functions going while the rest
of him works on a particularly
tricky web site scraper.
[Panel 3]
Glad to know I'm a vital
function. What's the tricky site
that needs to be scraped?
Local council.
You need to let it do its own
JavaScripty address lookup to
get a UPRN, even if you already
know the UPRN, before it'll tell
you the bin collection dates.
[Panel 4]
Or… you could just read
it in a web browser?
This is technically true.
But then it wouldn't get
stripped automatically into
the house calendar server.
Going away now.
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